Hav Technology Limited values the privacy of our users. We do not share our users data to any party.

Information Collected

We collect user name and mobile phone number only to use to communicate to user.

How We Use This Information

• Manage your account information • Deliver promotions
• Email your account confirmation • Notify user of updates

• Offer new products
• Request your customer feedback • Resolve account disputes

Information Disclosure

Our customers information stays on our system. But situation may come up we may require us to share the information we collect from you:

When required by law, such as for fraud protection.


We may use cookies and other technology to customize our website/mobile app to improve our customer experience.

Information Security

We take technical and administrative precautions to protect our user data, but we cannot guarantee its safety against all types of fraud or misuse. If you provide personal information, we cannot verify its total security against all types of interception.

Contact Us
If you have questions or concerns about this privacy policy, please feel free to contact us at:

Address: 28 Castle Peak Road Sham Tseng Hong Kong Email us at Info@techhav.com Website: www.techhav.com