We are Hav Technology Limited based Hong Kong we develop technologies that solves complex and common problems that affects human and businesses worldwide, We are not a logistic company we don’t own any mobility or manpower we provide platform that connects peer to peer peer to business business to business air and local deliveries resulting same day delivery and cost effective delivery.

We also provide cost effective big data development and implementation One of our main business objectives is to develop a simplify technology that will help third world business owners to connect to their suppliers We have developed a app called HaVe is a logistic app that connect senders and shipper it has two delivery business module first delivery module is Air delivery and second delivery is Local Delivery the not only connect sender and shipper it also connect airlines and logistic companies The app will be in operation this month of July 2023 and we will started operation in Hong Kong, Ghana, Vietnam, China, Nigeria, UK and Kenya

What we’re offering

Services we’re providing to our customers

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Digital experience

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Tech services for your business ideas

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  • We deliver perfect solutions

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  • We work with global brands

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